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Meet Raging Riley

Meet Raging Riley


Meet Raging Riley is the the second picture book in this series. Riley is an energetic, funny and well-liked boy. He loves sport and his favourite part of the day is when he gets to go out to the playground and enjoy sports or games with his mates. However, Riley can't always control his temper. This gets him in trouble with his friends, parents and sometimes even the teachers. Riley expresses his emotions through unkind words, yelling, punching, kicking and screaming. This book helps children understand that it is normal to feel like this but our reaction and response to those big feelings has a life long impact.


About the author


Dominique Jones attended the University of Technology and completed a Bachelor of Education in Special Education. She naturally gravitated towards the area of study where she felt would allow the most growth and learning around students needing extra support. Teaching has been Dominique's life-long passion. With over 20 years in the industry,  she has always worked in the area of Learning Support which works closely with School Psychologists, OT's, behaviour specialists and support teachers to unlock the areas of need so all students have the capacity to learn and reach their full potential. 

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